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Fujimoto Kikuo by the proposed oakley sunglasses outlet super- battleship technical specifications for the standard displacement of 50,buy fifa,000 tons full load displacement of 60,000 tons, 290 meters long, 38 meters wide, draft 9 armament of 12 guns 20 inches, mounted on the bow of three four inline mounted turret, modeled British Nelson class battleship, arranged in a pyramid shape. In addition, equipped with 16 155 mm auxiliary guns, all mounted in twin turrets, 8-11 127 mm anti-aircraft guns, several machine gun, you can dive bombing seaplane 12, catapult 3.

Super- battleship will install a total power of 140,buy fifa coins,000 horsepower steam turbines, about 30 speed, fuel load of 6,000 tons. 20-inch super- battleship caliber guns required much more than the Japanese now ordnance technology. In 1916, the Navy Wu plants once a trial of three added to your account ( the actual diameter of 480 mm ) guns, but because steelmaking, casting and other technology, however, the presence of tiny cracks barrel and trachoma. When this cannon shooting range in Kurahashi Island Turtle shoot first experiment, burst in the ninth launches.

In 1927,buy fifa 14 coins, Wu Haijun factory in the trial long body diameter ) 410 mm guns also faced technical difficulties and had to produce a barrel after crude material hastily abandoned. In this lesson, the ship 's first head of government headquarters as a gun designed production techniques have pointed out the risks faced by 20 inches gun. July 5, 1934, Ezaki Rock Seen Through a super- battleship revised design : the displacement of 67,000 tons, equipped with nine 460 mm cannon, mounted in three triple turrets installed, all focused on the bow ; 4 155 mm triple Vice turrets, four pairs -mounted 127 mm artillery ; 6 axes, 200,000 horsepower, speed 31-33, when 18 endurance 10,000 sea miles.In addition, there is a second program 4-axis, maximum speed 28 's. But Friends of the Fourth Fleet Crane events and incidents in 1934 occurred in the design to make super- battleship was forced to terminate and re- reviewed. Shipbuilding devil's Fujimoto Kikuo and Esaki rock guitar program was rejected, Keiji Fukuda took over the super- battleship Colonel design veteran Japanese shipbuilding industry Hiraga make as technical guidance. In this case, the Minister of Aviation Division Major General Yamamoto faction represented aviation aircraft carrier has been keen to see a huge advantage in naval warfare in the future, and therefore useless against the construction of two giant battleship, but with military orders department length of Fushimi Palace Bo Prince, Secretary of the Navy ship bighorn Mineo and political headquarters in the village of Ministers headed by diehard Ryozo warships party, denied the claims of the aviation fleet, built the ship in anyway, as a symbol of the spirit of the Imperial Navy.

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