Friday, May 30, 2014 gafas ray ban 2ld

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Octagonal turtle a direct channel : Well, the material has been picked ray ban sunglasses Okay, there. Octagonal corner turtle directly to pile a bunch of very xiǎo materials climbed in the past. Blood evil pagoda is not considered a large array of prohibition, so the required material is not much to say, this is just a magic, not a road race matrix method required less material, so when approached Wang Feng then, quickly put ray bans in front is divided into several piles. Blood evil pagoda array of main materials are taken from some special creatures, including some special biological blood, so this array layout is not difficult, but it is very cumbersome.

This octagonal turtle watching a bunch of ghosts cloud with a lot of material to choose from out of the material, at least Feng can not see what else ray bans with some differences, but still in accordance with the ray bans kill Gods Memorial Ceremony said, beginning to deploy magic blood. The so-called blood magic, is to kill Gods Memorial Ceremony was designed to outline the name mén route rune magic of this special pigments, as to why is this name, it is not Feng could know. However, this ray bans did not care, whether it is God, blood, or blood magic, in the eyes of just one pigment ray bans.In this regard, Wang Feng somewhat suspect that this is not a magic blood yào agent, but a little like that this gafas ray ban configuration is similar to the magic of blood in the configuration of a yào agent. Wang Feng quickly, although this time Feng obtained from Soma at a lot of material, but in fact the real evil blood pagoda array layout for just a small amount, after all, that the blood of evil pagoda just kill Gods Memorial Ceremony in front of a xiǎo magic, nature has not millions purple gold material. But this does not explain the value of the magic blood is low, as is often used to kill Gods Memorial Ceremony in a special pigment, ray bans although common, is also common, but important xìng ray bans of it is self-evident.

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